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You searched for: Tag: Lois Lowry
    sethdlindsey  43, Male, Missouri, USA - 5 entries
Jun 2010
4:27 AM CST

The Giver

The Giver - Lois Lowry

Yet another stop on my dystopian road. This also appeared on the list of the top ten dystopian books, so I decided to give this a shot as well. It took me a while to locate it at the bookstore because I didn't realize it was considered a 'teen' book. I decided to go ahead and read through it anyway, and was glad I did.

This book details a perfect world where everything is neat and orderly, and anything unsavory is swept under the rug. There is only one person that knows the true nature of all the goings on of the town, and he is called 'The Giver'. This book chronicles the happenings in the town as a new batch of children 'graduate' and are given their jobs. The main character is selected to receive all of the memories and wisdom from The Giver, but eventually decides that this isn't the life for him.
2 comment(s) - 07:44 AM - 06/09/2010
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